Capel Primary School and Manjimup District High School are raising funds to donate to their sister school in Bali to purchase sports equipment. So a fun day was had by all last week when the children dressed in red and white and competed in cracker eating competitions. Crackers were suspended on threads and children had to eat them without touching them with their hands - very tricky! Capel Primary School raised $206.50; a good effort towards the $750 goal.
It was a bit of a damp and chilly morning, but that didn't stop lots of students walking to school. It was really good to see that quite a few of them had rain jackets or umbrellas. Roll on spring!
Congratulations to our new captains and vice-captains for Semester Two. They do a very important job assisting Ms Webb by keeping our considerable volume of sports equipment in order in the sports shed.
May 2018
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