Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) at Capel Primary School
Since 2011, Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) has been a key initiative at Capel Primary, aimed at fostering a positive and productive school environment. PBS is a proactive, school-wide approach designed to define, teach, and reinforce appropriate student behaviours, creating a supportive setting for both teaching and learning.
In practical terms, PBS involves:
- Proactive Support: Implementing school-wide systems that clearly define, teach, and support positive behaviours to maintain a positive learning environment.
- Evidence-Based Practices: Using research-backed strategies to align the school environment with effective teaching and learning practices.
- Sustainable Systems: Developing and maintaining support systems at the school-wide, classroom, and individual levels.
- Effective Learning Environments: Creating spaces where positive behaviour is more effective than problem behaviour, ultimately leading to academic success for all students.
Our four factions have inspired the creation of the leaf shaped PIRC’s
Personal Best Independence Respect Caring