Canteen Menu
Our canteen is open Tuesday - Friday during school terms selling a range of yummy options for recess and lunch. Students can place their lunch order before school and lunches will be delivered to the classroom prior to lunchtime.
Parents can also email lunch orders (before 9am) for their child to [email protected]
Please remember to include your child's name & room number with your order. Credit must be held at the canteen to enable this.
To arrange a credit with the canteen, parents can either pay cash at the canteen directly or
deposit funds to : A & L Pierre BSB:806-015 A/C: 01-979-772
Please also email to advise of your payment including amount, student/s the funds are for and any other information for Louise at the canteen.
Parents can also email lunch orders (before 9am) for their child to [email protected]
Please remember to include your child's name & room number with your order. Credit must be held at the canteen to enable this.
To arrange a credit with the canteen, parents can either pay cash at the canteen directly or
deposit funds to : A & L Pierre BSB:806-015 A/C: 01-979-772
Please also email to advise of your payment including amount, student/s the funds are for and any other information for Louise at the canteen.