School Guidelines
School Hours
Every Wednesday, staff participate in School Development and Professional Development from 2:30 pm for 90 minutes. We recommend that children arrive at school no earlier than 8:30 am, as they cannot enter classrooms without teacher permission.
Costume jewellery is not permitted at school. However, exceptions include signet rings, sleepers (stud earrings), and traditional gold bangles. The use of cosmetics, such as bright nail polish, is discouraged. Clear nail polish may be used for health reasons.
Lost Property
Lost property is stored in a box in the Undercover Area. Items are periodically displayed in hopes of finding their owners. We strongly recommend clearly labelling all clothing. Unclaimed items are recycled through the school or donated to a local charity.
Money at School
If children must bring money to school, it should be given to the class teacher for safekeeping. Any money brought for specific purposes (e.g., book club orders or excursion fees) should be placed in a clearly marked and sealed envelope with the child’s name, class, amount, and purpose. Valuable personal items, such as electronic games and toys, should not be brought to school.
Mobile Phones & Smart Watches
Students do not need mobile phones at school. Mobile phones, and other electronic devices like smartwatches, can create issues such as theft, damage, bullying, and classroom distractions. If a student has a smartwatch, it must be on "Aeroplane Mode" or "School Mode" during school hours. For emergencies, parents should contact the school administration, not the classroom teacher, for approval of phone use.
Absence Notes
When a child is absent, parents must provide a written explanation to the class teacher or notify the school via SMS (0437 709 944) or email ([email protected]). This is a legal requirement of the Department of Education. Verbal notifications are accepted but must be recorded by the school. The school is responsible for following up on any unexplained absences. Kindergarten attendance is not compulsory, but regular attendance and absence notes are expected once a child is enrolled.
Leaving School Grounds
Children must have a note from parents if they need to leave school grounds during the day. Those who go home regularly for lunch may submit a note that covers the entire year. Parents must complete a withdrawal form at the office when taking children from school.
Leave Passes
Children leaving school during instruction time for medical appointments or other reasons must have a Leave Pass issued by the school.
Multi-Aged Classes
The Australian Curriculum supports open-ended, student-centred learning, making chronological age less important in class formation. Class structures are determined by enrolments, room availability, and funding. Parents with concerns are encouraged to discuss this with staff and attend information sessions.
Parent Involvement
We encourage parents to stay in close contact with their child’s teacher to monitor progress. Formal meetings should be arranged through the administration.
Visitors to the School
All visitors, including parents helping in classrooms, must sign in at the front office and wear an identification badge while on school grounds. This helps ensure the safety of the children and accountability during emergencies.
Formal homework is not required before Year 6, but each class has its own policy for home activities. These typically involve home reading for younger students and completing unfinished work or research tasks for older students. Parents are encouraged to support their child’s learning at home.
School Newsletters
Newsletters are distributed fortnightly via email and the school app. Parents who prefer a paper copy can request one from the front office.
School assemblies are held several times a term on Fridays at 8:50 am. Each class takes turns hosting assemblies, and parents are invited to attend. After assemblies, parents can visit the host classroom to view student work. Assembly dates are listed in the newsletter and term planner.
ReportsSchool Reports are sent home at the end of each semester to provide feedback on a student’s progress. However, ongoing communication with teachers is encouraged to ensure parents are fully aware of their child’s development.
At the start of each year, parents sign a permission slip for Minor Excursions within the local area. For Major Excursions, detailed information and specific permission slips will be provided. Excursions are planned with safety, educational value, and student involvement in mind.
Throughout the year, the school arranges visits from performing artists, drama groups, and educational experiences. These activities are part of the learning program, and all students are expected to participate.
Children in NeedSupport staff are available to assist students who are struggling with specific subjects. A District School Psychologist may also be involved when necessary.
School Psychologist
The school psychologist provides support for students, staff, and parents. Referrals to the psychologist require parental consent, and results are discussed confidentially.
Our school chaplain, Emma Strong, is available three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) to provide pastoral care for the school community. Appointments are voluntary. The Chaplaincy Program is funded by the school, P&C, and community sponsors, with additional support from the National School Chaplaincy Program.
School Hours
Every Wednesday, staff participate in School Development and Professional Development from 2:30 pm for 90 minutes. We recommend that children arrive at school no earlier than 8:30 am, as they cannot enter classrooms without teacher permission.
Costume jewellery is not permitted at school. However, exceptions include signet rings, sleepers (stud earrings), and traditional gold bangles. The use of cosmetics, such as bright nail polish, is discouraged. Clear nail polish may be used for health reasons.
Lost Property
Lost property is stored in a box in the Undercover Area. Items are periodically displayed in hopes of finding their owners. We strongly recommend clearly labelling all clothing. Unclaimed items are recycled through the school or donated to a local charity.
Money at School
If children must bring money to school, it should be given to the class teacher for safekeeping. Any money brought for specific purposes (e.g., book club orders or excursion fees) should be placed in a clearly marked and sealed envelope with the child’s name, class, amount, and purpose. Valuable personal items, such as electronic games and toys, should not be brought to school.
Mobile Phones & Smart Watches
Students do not need mobile phones at school. Mobile phones, and other electronic devices like smartwatches, can create issues such as theft, damage, bullying, and classroom distractions. If a student has a smartwatch, it must be on "Aeroplane Mode" or "School Mode" during school hours. For emergencies, parents should contact the school administration, not the classroom teacher, for approval of phone use.
Absence Notes
When a child is absent, parents must provide a written explanation to the class teacher or notify the school via SMS (0437 709 944) or email ([email protected]). This is a legal requirement of the Department of Education. Verbal notifications are accepted but must be recorded by the school. The school is responsible for following up on any unexplained absences. Kindergarten attendance is not compulsory, but regular attendance and absence notes are expected once a child is enrolled.
Leaving School Grounds
Children must have a note from parents if they need to leave school grounds during the day. Those who go home regularly for lunch may submit a note that covers the entire year. Parents must complete a withdrawal form at the office when taking children from school.
Leave Passes
Children leaving school during instruction time for medical appointments or other reasons must have a Leave Pass issued by the school.
Multi-Aged Classes
The Australian Curriculum supports open-ended, student-centred learning, making chronological age less important in class formation. Class structures are determined by enrolments, room availability, and funding. Parents with concerns are encouraged to discuss this with staff and attend information sessions.
Parent Involvement
We encourage parents to stay in close contact with their child’s teacher to monitor progress. Formal meetings should be arranged through the administration.
Visitors to the School
All visitors, including parents helping in classrooms, must sign in at the front office and wear an identification badge while on school grounds. This helps ensure the safety of the children and accountability during emergencies.
Formal homework is not required before Year 6, but each class has its own policy for home activities. These typically involve home reading for younger students and completing unfinished work or research tasks for older students. Parents are encouraged to support their child’s learning at home.
School Newsletters
Newsletters are distributed fortnightly via email and the school app. Parents who prefer a paper copy can request one from the front office.
School assemblies are held several times a term on Fridays at 8:50 am. Each class takes turns hosting assemblies, and parents are invited to attend. After assemblies, parents can visit the host classroom to view student work. Assembly dates are listed in the newsletter and term planner.
ReportsSchool Reports are sent home at the end of each semester to provide feedback on a student’s progress. However, ongoing communication with teachers is encouraged to ensure parents are fully aware of their child’s development.
At the start of each year, parents sign a permission slip for Minor Excursions within the local area. For Major Excursions, detailed information and specific permission slips will be provided. Excursions are planned with safety, educational value, and student involvement in mind.
Throughout the year, the school arranges visits from performing artists, drama groups, and educational experiences. These activities are part of the learning program, and all students are expected to participate.
Children in NeedSupport staff are available to assist students who are struggling with specific subjects. A District School Psychologist may also be involved when necessary.
School Psychologist
The school psychologist provides support for students, staff, and parents. Referrals to the psychologist require parental consent, and results are discussed confidentially.
Our school chaplain, Emma Strong, is available three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) to provide pastoral care for the school community. Appointments are voluntary. The Chaplaincy Program is funded by the school, P&C, and community sponsors, with additional support from the National School Chaplaincy Program.